Diamond Sponsor - Investment: $10,000
• Advertising spot in the Church Bulletin for one year.
• Company logo on TOP of food tray liners.
• Recognition by our M.C. throughout the event.
• Company name/logo on digital menu with link to your website.
• Company name/logo name on big screen TVs mounted throughout festival.  Company name/logo displayed on its own screen and cycled on a continuous basis.
• Banner on display on the festival grounds (deadline for sponsorship to obtain banner is August 1, 2024)
• Recognition in all St. Maron electronic and social media platforms (festival website, church website, church Facebook). Company name/logo with a link to company website on festival website.
Sponsorship Information
Platinum Sponsor - Investment: $5,000
• Company logo on TOP of food tray liners.
• Recognition by our M.C. throughout the event.
• Company name/logo on digital menu with link to your website.
• Company name/logo on big screen TVs mounted throughout festival. Company name/logo displayed on its own screen and cycled on a continuous basis.
• Banner on display throughout the festival grounds (deadline for sponsorship to obtain banner is August 1, 2024).
• Recognition in all St. Maron electronic and social media platforms (festival website, church website, church Facebook). Company name/logo with a link to company website on festival website.
Gold Sponsor - Investment: $2,500
• Company name/logo on food tray liners.
• Recognition by our M.C. throughout the event.
• Company name/logo on digital menu with link to your website.
• Company name/logo on big screen TVs mounted throughout festival. One screen shared with up to 1 other sponsor cycled on a continuous basis.
• Banner on display throughout the festival grounds (deadline for sponsorship to obtain banner is August 1, 2024).
• Recognition in all St. Maron electronic and social media platforms (festival website, church website, church Facebook). Company name/logo with a link to company website on festival website.
Silver Sponsor - Investment: $1,000
• Company name/logo on digital menu with link to your website.
• Company name/logo on big screen TVs mounted throughout festival.  One screen shared with up to 3 other sponsors cycled on a continuous basis.
• Recognition in all St. Maron electronic and social media platforms (festival website, church website, church Facebook). Company name/logo with a link to company website on festival website.
Bronze Sponsor - Investment: $500 - $900
• Company name/logo on big screen TVs mounted throughout Festival. One screen shared with up to 5 other sponsors cycled on a continuous basis.
• Recognition in all St. Maron electronic and social media platforms (festival website, church website, church Facebook). Company name/logo with a link to company website on festival website.
Sponsor Individual - Investment: $100 - $400
• Company name/logo on big screen TVs mounted throughout festival.  One screen shared with up to 9 other sponsors cycled on a regular basis.
• Recognition in all St. Maron electronic and social media platforms (festival website, church website, church Facebook). Company name/logo with a link to company website on festival website.
Saint Maron 2024 Food Festival
Saint Maron Annual Food Festival